PRO Indoor Skydiver Maja Kuczynska Trains In An Open-air Tunnel

Maja Kuczynska and Toms Īvāns are two of the top indoor skydivers in the world. Maja who’s trained in indoor tunnels all of her life will now try out flying in an open-air wind tunnel for the first time. Watch the video to see Maja’s progress training with Toms who’s a professional open-air tunnel flyer.

See how they do a flying battle playing THE GAME OF FLY where the loser has to swim in almost freezing cold spring, and other crazy adventures they do apart from spending 10 hours in the AERODIUM open-air vertical wind tunnel.

They also had fun trying out @Sigulda Adventures electric bicycles, zipline, bungee jumping and even did some regular skydiving thanks to @Skydive Latvia .

Please enjoy the video and leave a comment below if you found this video interesting!

Video: Edgars Strads

#bodyflight #bucketlist #bestadventures #bestadventuresinLatvia #visitLatvia #visitSigulda #SiguldaAizrauj #windtunnel #indoorskydiving #bungeejump #adventures #Latviaadventures #electricbikes #skydive #sunsetskydiving #tomsivans #majakuczynska #skydivelatvia #latvianadventures #sigulda #latvia #gameoffly #redbull #redbullskydiving #redbullpolska

@Red Bull @Maja Kuczynska @Red Bull Skydive Team

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